Since 2005, we’ve helped thousands of Working Holiday Makers from around the globe secure short-term seasonal jobs in Hakuba, Nagano, Niigata, Hokkaido, and Okinawa.
Our Goal is to help you have the Best Possible Experience in Japan.
Keep up to date with all our latest news, and Japan-related info, via our Facebook page!
Email us.
24/7 Support Line in Japan: (+81) 80-2445-0138. Note: 24/7 for emergencies, but please call during regular (Japanese time) work hours when possible, or email us and we’ll reply asap!
Postal: 655-0046 Hyogo-ken, Kobe-shi Tarumi-ku, Maiko-dai 1-6-5 JAPAN
Watch videos from our past staff video competitions we run every year!

Started with boobooSKI by working as a waiter at a beach resort in Okinawa, and now helps all boobooSTAFF have the best experience possible while they’re in Japan!

Ok, we admit; this isn’t Noriko.. it’s her daughter Lia. But she’s so cute we just couldn’t resist!! Noriko handles all relationships with Resorts.

Lesley is our IT whiz, and also a recent PHD graduate; Congratulations Lesley!!

Jade provides the best possible customer service and support to all our applicants (and sends beautiful Xmas msgs too)!
The Origins of boobooSKI
by Adam Claydon-Platt, Founder of boobooSKI.com.
I’ve been snowboarding with my brothers since I was 15. They were some of the first foreigners ever to work in Ski Resorts in Japan; in the early 1990s!
One day, they were having an Onsen with their boss, who said “I wish we had more staff like you” … and the idea for boobooSKI was born!
In our 1st year, we only sent a handful of Aussies to 1 remote resort in Nagano. Fast forward 20 years, and we now send hundreds of youths from 20+ countries, to resorts all around Japan.
But we still always remember our roots – and aim to be “your big brother” while you’re in Japan. To help you have as much fun as possible, with minimum hassle.